The ArtHaus project is the synthesis of a collection of real-life experiences which searches out creative and figurative forms of expressions, as well as stories with images and stories for images.
ArtHaus project is engaged in searching for contemporary forms of communication, gathering details and fragments of female experiences, at times contrasting dramatically, which come together in a choral voice, a convolution of collective female movements that regards the journey back to the present through one’s individual recollection of history. A single voice: a voice from within. Isola fuori is a preview of a film by Raymond La Motte that speaks of the voice from within.
ArtHaus project sets out to organize a sequence of works of artists coming from various forms of language research, whose works recount the same inner image. At the practical experience level, ArtHaus proposes audiovisual workshops, painting and image manipulation workshops as well as a sculpture workshop lasting 4, 5 or 6 days, where the artist transmits his own personal experience and artistic techniques. In the autumn and winter period, ArtHaus organizes laboratories on the arts and craft skills of cinematography with activities including photography, film shooting, scene design, make-up and costumes. It proposes painting workshops with the artist Cica Hay, who will present two courses, the first of which will be dedicated to adults and elderly people, while the other to all those wanting to learn about painting techniques. There will be a sculpture laboratory conducted by the group of Laloba scultptresses. Finally, ArtHaus will present a workshop on the manipulation of digital images to be held by the painter Franca Lanni